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In college, you're constantly meeting new people. And most of us stick to the same repertoire of questions any time we come in contact with another student we've never met: What's your major? Where are you from? Did you buy football tickets this year? Don't get me wrong, I'm just as guilty of asking these questions. But in an effort to prevent you from getting totally bored, I'm answering a different set of questions that I think will give you a better idea of who I am. And since a picture says a thousand words, I included a slideshow to show you a little more about me.


(P.S. My answers are Communications; Fenton, MI; yes I did.) 

Hi there! I'm Lauren.

It's Friday night. Where am I?

Where do I want to be in 5 years?

If I'm feeling lazy, you can find me in my apartment watching House of Cards and eating popcorn; or at my parents house, snuggled in bed with my dogs. But most likely, I'm at a bar with my friends (I'm 22, it's cool).

Hopefully I'll be living outside of Michigan. I love my home state, but I'm ready for a new adventure. Ideally, I'll have a job with a magazine or some type of PR/advertising company. And I definitely want to adopt a dog, too.

If someone gave me $1,000,000 right now, what would I do with it?

First, I would celebrate with dinner at Qdoba (big spender, I know). Then, I would take a month long trip across Europe. And I'd put the rest in the bank where it belongs.

What superpower would I like to have?

It's a toss up between the power to fly and teleportation. Flying would be loads of fun, but teleportation would be economical; I'd never have to pay for travel expenses. Then again, shape-shifting sounds pretty cool...

What are a few of my favorite things?

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on...ok not really. Here are some of my favorite things: my family and friends; summer weekends up north; burritos with extra queso; puppies; Jackson, WY; the feeling of a cool pillow on my face; and the fact that I am in control of my future.

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