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The second assignment in our introductory class required us to repurpose a previous piece of our own writing. The repurposing process involves taking a writing sample and reworking it into a new written piece, keeping in mind the original topic, themes, and purpose. I chose an essay I wrote for a class I had taken the previous semester (Comm 445: Music & Mediated Identities) which dealt commodification and the culture of "cool" surrounding music festivals.


I love and am fascinated with music, but did not want it to be the focus of the Repurposing assignment because I incorporated music so much in Why I Write. So, I decided to focus more on character development. For my repurpose, I wrote a short story about a girl in her struggle to get money for Coachella. I was initially unsure about how the character would react to the situation, but with some help from my peers, I took a darker route with the story and had the girl sell drugs to make money. I have never written about this before, and didn't expect to. I am satisfied with the Final Draft, but will most likely edit it later to achieve a more fitting, less rushed conclusion.


Final Project

Rough Draft

Original Essay


Annotated Bibliography

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